My Blog Posts

Navigating career choices in analytics: Startups versus Big companies

Navigating career choices in analytics: Startups versus Big companies

In today's rapidly evolving job market, professionals in analytics and data science face a pivotal choice: the dynamic and uncertain world…

Unbearable weight of Global Talent visa

Unbearable weight of Global Talent visa

Time flies fast, and I absolutely forgot to tell you about one of the quests I managed to complete last year - obtaining a UK Global Talent…

From Crashing to Lift-Off: How to Thrive as the First Data Scientist in a Startup

From Crashing to Lift-Off: How to Thrive as the First Data Scientist in a Startup

Originally published at Hackernoon Recently, while immersed in a game called "Factorio," I noticed striking parallels to the challenges…

The Sunflower Seed Saga: A Tale of Young Enterprise

The Sunflower Seed Saga: A Tale of Young Enterprise

In the world of success stories, we often find narratives filled with inspiration, detailing the challenges and obstacles individuals…

Big Data & AI World London ’23: some takeaways

Big Data & AI World London ’23: some takeaways

I recently had the opportunity to attend the Big Data & AI World event in London (post about speaking at which you may have already seen in…

First experience of speaking at a conference in London

First experience of speaking at a conference in London

This week I had a chance to speak at the Big Data & AI World event in London. Surprisingly it was a first experience of public speaking at…

Books - Longlist

Books - Longlist

I love reading books. This wasn’t always like that, particularly in the school I loved mostly reading Harry Potter, and maybe some articles…

Hello world / Readme.MD

Hello world / Readme.MD

Today is the day I finally made this blog so looking forward to chatting with you all 🙂 My name is Vlad. I’m Data Scientist living in…

Flipper Zero – Big delivery adventure and first impressions

Flipper Zero – Big delivery adventure and first impressions

Just received my Flipper Zero yesterday, wow, what a journey that’s been! In 2020 during the summer it was short out of Covid lockdowns in…

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